Richard Upton Foundation
Richard Upton and the Rhetoric of Landscape
The Italian landscapes; Richard Upton at Cortona, and other places.
About Richard Upton
Richard’s paintings are included in such prestigious private and public collections as the Metropolitan Museum of Art and the Museum of Modern Art in New York City; the Art Institute of Chicago; the Smithsonian in Washington, D.C.; the Library of Congress; Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris; and the Victoria and Albert Museum in London.
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Multiple Media – One Visionary Artist
A Passion for Italy
While capturing the immediacy of the event and the brute force of nature, Upton also present us with a kind of case study for how many ways paint can be applied and forms described.
Born Hartford, Connecticut. Formal training in painting and printmaking at:
College of San Mateo (California), University of Connecticut, Storrs (B.F.A. 1960), Indiana University, Bloomington (MFA. 1963), The Provincetown Workshop, The Académie de la Grande Chaumière, Paris, the print workshops of August Clot, Casse, LaCouriere, and Stanley Williams Hayter’s Atelier 17, Paris. Richard Florsheim Foundation Award 1991, Artists for Environment Foundation/NEA, 1972-3, Fulbright Grant, Paris, 1964-5. More than one hundred solo and group exhibitions in the U.S. and abroad including: The American Academy of Design (New York), Grey Art Gallery and Study Center (NYU), Montreal Museum of Fine Arts (Quebec), National Museum of American Art, The Smithsonian Institute (Washington, D.C.), Palacio de Bellas Artes, Sala Internacional, Institute Nacional de Bellas Artes (Mexico), and the Bibliotheque Nationale (Paris). Subject of monograph: Richard Upton and the Rhetoric of Landscape, by Paul H;:tyes Tucker, author of Monet at Aroenteuil (Yale University Press 1982) and Monet in The 90’s: The Series Paiotinos (Museum of Fine Arts and Yale University Press, 1990),University of Washington Press, spring 1992 catalog.